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What is Silicon Dioxide and Why Plants need it?

Silicon dioxide, or silica as it's commonly known, is a key mineral in plant nutrition. It's needed by all plants and is taken up through their roots and transported to their leaves where it can be combined with carbon dioxide from the air. This process results in the production of glucose which fuels photosynthesis in leaves.

A key to a healthy plant is an adequate supply of silicon dioxide.

A key to a healthy plant is an adequate supply of silicon dioxide. It's the second building block of life, found in the soil but it has been depleted and contaminated with heavy metals and toxins. BIO520 can provide your plants with the most amount of available silicon dioxide, out of any product on the market. Silicon dioxide strengthens plants by making them more resilient against disease and pests. When you add silicon dioxide to your soil, it improves its structure so that nutrients can be absorbed more easily by the roots. This can increase yields up to 30%!

Plants use silicon dioxide taken from the soil in their roots, combined with water and carbon dioxide captured by photosynthesis in their leaves, to produce the sugar that fuels growth.

Plants use silicon dioxide taken from the soil in their roots, combined with water and carbon dioxide captured by photosynthesis in their leaves, to produce the sugar that fuels growth. The more silicon dioxide there is available to plants, the more growth they will experience.

The process of converting carbon dioxide into sugars requires energy from sunlight and therefore requires chlorophyll or other pigments that absorb light energy efficiently (green plants).

Silicon dioxide strengthens plants by filling out their cellular walls, which helps them to better stand up to rain, wind, hail and other stress.

Silicon dioxide strengthens plants by filling out their cellular walls, which helps them to better stand up to rain, wind, hail and other stress. Silicon dioxide can also help plants withstand drought by reducing the amount of water lost through transpiration (evaporation from the leaves).

Silicon dioxide plays a role in strengthening plant tissues against insects and disease by making it harder for pests to chew through tissue walls. This makes silicon dioxide an important component for organic gardeners who want their crops protected without using pesticides or herbicides.

In addition to these benefits for crops grown outdoors under natural conditions, silicon dioxide has been shown experimentally that it improves plant growth even when grown indoors under artificial lighting conditions.

Silicon dioxide helps shield plants from diseases and pests in many ways.

Silicon dioxide is an essential component of plant cells. It takes up only 30% of the weight of plants, but it's very important for them. Silicon dioxide strengthens plants by filling out their cellular walls and strengthens cell membranes against disease and pests. Silicon dioxide also acts as an anti-fungal agent, helping plants to resist viruses, bacteria, parasites and insects. The supply of silicon dioxide in the soil is finite; if you want to grow crops at home or commercially then you'll need to replenish this resource by adding BIO520 to your water supply!

Silicon dioxide is a key ingredient in healthy plants. Give your plants get the nutrients they need, add BIO520.


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